look at how many people love you:3

"Leonardo, you are the light of my life. My best friend and girlfriend all wrapped up into one guy. I love you so much I can't put it into words. But I know your favorite songs and I listen to them knowing someday we'll listen to them in the car on our way back from the airport. I've never felt more comfortable with another person in my life, I feel like I can tell you anything and everything. You're always there for me and I'll always be here for you. How often do I mention how much I loved your art before we were dating? I remember feeling my heart drop when I saw you were following me back. I remember trying to think of any way to start a conversation and when the first time didn't spark anything, I messaged you a second time. I needed this. I needed you. How lucky am I that it turned out like this? What are the chances? You make me feel so alive. I love you again. Happy birthday my love. I hope you like this little project. " -Leonid

"Leo, I want you to know how much joy you have brought me and my family. You have lit up my brother's life, and given him new hope for the future that I had never seen in him before. He's so incredibly happy, and for that I just can't thank you enough. And you haven't only brought him happiness, but me as well :) I love you leo, you are truly the best person I could think of to be with my brother, and I cant wait to hug you for the first time,, i look forward to it everday HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -Fox

"You're very sweet and patient, a wickedly talented artist and a humorous individual :3 I don't get to talk to you very often but every time I do it is always joyous!" -Jinchee

"LOBSTA!!! Leo ur literally so cool and I'm actually astonished that we're friends bro. Ik we don't talk a whole lot but ur so niceys and funny and every time i talk to u im like wow....i cant believe i'm friends w him... ur like the sigma of sigmas i love u ! i know you were here first but i still wanna thank u for making my bestie so happy he loves u a lot and its nice to see you guys being all cute and gay #congrats #gaypplWIN" -Faggot "Beny" Bismol

"youre so cool and awesome and i hope we get to hang out more in the future!!" -Estera

"leooooo im soo glad we got to connect with eachother this past year . It’s been so fun to get to know you and chat about like whatever the hell … you got me intermissionpilled and I’m always thankful!!! ur super cool and I hope u have a good one !!! keep going man we all fuckin love ya” -Tool

"You're a great friend, you're really talented and kind :>" -E

"hi jack leonard s!!! ive been a fan of you and your work for a few years now and i still am,not only is your art amazing but ur genuinely one of the funniest most interesting people ive met online and im glad we've been friends for so long!!! i wish u a happy birthday!!! ur old so old go do ur taxes woman" -Grub

“Leo, happy birthday! We love you and have made you an honorary Roberts-Zibbel” -Mama